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7 Notable common viral infections explained

7 Notable common viral infections explained

7 Notable common viral infections explained: Millions of Americans get sick with viral infections every year. These viruses can cause a wide range of symptoms and lead to everything from the common cold to AIDS. Here we will discuss some of the most common viral infections. You can also get more information about the other article like what does tendered for delivery mean.

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1. Common cold

The most common viral infection in the world, the common cold , can be caused by many different viruses. Most often, the cold is caused by an adenovirus, coronavirus or rhinovirus. Symptoms are usually mild and last between one week and 10 days.

Most adults get two or four colds a year, while children can get up to a dozen.

Use common preventative measures to reduce the chances of catching a cold, such as washing your hands frequently, using hand sanitizer when you do not have access to soap and water, and preventing others from getting sick.

  • Common fred symptoms
  • Diagnose or common cold

2. Influence (gripe)

The flu is the virus that causes seasonal flu . There are hundreds of flu strains that can cause flu symptoms and the virus mutates from year to year. Although the flu is not serious for everyone, hundreds of thousands of people in the US. UU. They are hospitalized every year. Worldwide, an estimated 250,000 to half a million people die each year from the flu.

  • Flu symptoms

The best way to prevent the flu is to get a flu shot. Hundreds of studies have proven that the vaccine is safe and effective. We have many resources available to help you understand more about the flu vaccine. If you are not sure if it is right for you and your family, be sure to discuss it with your doctor .

  • How Flu Vaccines Work
  • Answers to questions about your flu

3. Bronchitis

Bronchitis can be caused by bacteria, viruses or even chemicals, but the viral version is the most common. It can cause a cough that lasts for several weeks and is a common complication of both the common cold and the flu.

If you are worried that you may have bronchitis, contact your doctor. Treatment will depend on your symptoms and the type of bronchitis you have.

  • Symptoms of bronquiteis

4. Gastroenteritis (stomach flu)

Gastroenteritis or stomach flu is a very common viral infection. This unpleasant disease causes symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea and is highly contagious.

Gastroenteritis can be caused by viruses such as rotavirus and norovirus , among others.

  • Causes of stomach flu
  • Seasonal flu or stomach flu?

5. Some ear infections

It used to be that all ear infections were treated with antibiotics because it is believed that most were caused by bacteria. More recent research has shown that most middle ear infections are actually viral and will resolve on their own without treatment.

Ear infections are much more common in children than in adults. Treatment usually depends on how much pain the infection causes and other symptoms the person is suffering from.

6. Croup

Croup can be caused by many different viruses. It occurs almost exclusively in children under the age of 8, but can be very frightening for both the child receiving it and their parents. Croup characterized by a cough that sounds like a stamp thief. Some children may also experience a stridor, which is a hissing sound made when the child is inhaling.

Croup can often treated by breathing in steam or cold air at home. If the cough or stridor not relieved by treatment at home, a visit to the doctor or emergency room may be necessary (depending on the severity and time of day).

7. RSV

Children are at high risk for RSV. Credit: Charles Gullung / RM Culture / Getty Images

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a viral infection that can be life-threatening to premature babies up to 2 years of age, but causes typical cold symptoms in children and older adults.

RSV creates a lot of mucus and can be very difficult for very young children to breathe when this happens. Many babies who have premature and receive RSV during the first two years of life should hospitalized. Synagogue shots are available for premature babies who are at risk of RSV reducing their chances of getting it.