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How to Prevent Coronavirus?: Caring for Children Health Against Coronavirus


How to Prevent Coronavirus? : The vaccination plan against the coronavirus (COVID-19) is underway; however, until the appropriate dose is applied, you can avoid becoming infected by following some basic hygiene measures recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Follow These Tips:

Wash your hands up to the forearm with soap and water for a least 20 seconds.

When coughing or sneezing, insurance your mouth and nose with a tissue or your forearm; never do it with your hands directly.

Don’t trace your eyes, nose, or mouth if you haven’t washed your hands first.

Only when you don’t have soap and water nearby, use an antibacterial gel. Note that this should not exchange hand washing.

Avoid straight contact with people who show symptoms such as cold or flu. Keep an average distance of 1 meter.

When using toilet paper or tissues, be sure to throw them in the trash can and wash your hands afterward.

Wear masks every time you leave your home, and also if you need to care for someone suspected of infection.

When should I wash my hands?

  • When you arrive at your home or office.
  • After coughing, sneezing, or wiping your nose.
  • Before eating or handling food.
  • Before and after using a mask.

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Caring For Children Health Against Coronavirus

Children Health care from coronavirus

If you have children or a minor in your care, take into account these tips from the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) to protect them from the coronavirus (COVID-19), both in the field of health and concerning psychological stress that may cause them to be living a pandemic.

To Avoid Disease

  • Teach your child to wash down their hands frequently for 20 seconds with soap and water, making a lather. The goal is to make it a habit over time.
  • Instruct her to cover her mouth and nose with a bent elbow or with a piece of paper when coughing or sneezing and dispose of it in a closed trash can.
  • Avoid having straight contact with a person with symptoms or who has a cold.
  • If you have symptoms of the coronavirus, use digital triage to find out if you need to be tested.

Mothers Who Have or Suspect COVID-19 Who Need to Breastfeed:

If you Feel Good Enough:

  • Wear a mask when you are nearby your baby.
  • Wash your hands before and after having contact with the child. It includes after breastfeeding.
  • Clean and disinfect contaminated surfaces.

If You Feel Very Weak From The Disease:

Have someone express your breast milk and give it to your little one in a clean cup or spoon. This person must follow all the measures to avoid infection of the child.

How Do I Explain The Pandemic to Children?

These tips will help you in the psychological care of your child or under six years of age in your care. Remember that they respond to stress in different ways, such as being more nervous, scared, withdrawn, among others. Because:

  • If he asks you about the disease, protect his emotions by telling him the care he should take but without scaring him and in a way that he understands. You can use stories so that he learns entertainingly.
  • It prevents you from seeing or hearing the news that sensationalizes the disease. Even if it is a report with the appropriate treatment, it is advisable to avoid it since it can create alarm and nerves.
  • Talk to him about his emotions.
  • Maintain regular routines and schedules as much as possible.
  • In difficult times, the child needs love.
  • Avoid talking about the illness in front of him.
  • Do not give messages that affect their sensitivity. Example: “If an older adult starts coughing, he may die.”
  • Prevent you from becoming prejudiced by malicious information. Example: “I am not going to meet the neighbor who has just arrived from a trip.”
  • It provides opportunities for the child to play and relax as a family at home.

Myths About The Coronavirus

Various myths are being rejected by the World Health Organization (WHO). Among these are:

Do you recommend using a mask to prevent it from infecting me?

Yes, the use of shows is compulsory in public spaces.

Is every person who comes from abroad a potential infected?

However, only those who do not have any signs or symptoms compatible with COVID-19 can enter the country. To verify this, they must undergo a molecular test at least 72 hours before the flight and present the negative result at the airport.

Can The Virus Travel Great Distances Through The Air?

No, the virus is spread mainly by saliva or mucus particles generated when an infected person coughs or sneezes. It is being considered that these particles only reach up to 1 meter away from the person who emits them; however, in closed spaces, this could increase along with the chances of contagion.

You can also get it if you trace your eyes, nose and mouth after contact with a contaminated surface.

Can Contact With Feces From an Infected Person Give Me The Coronavirus?

Yes, but according to expert research, the risk is very low. In any case, it’s recommended to wash your hands frequently, after using the bathroom and before eating.

Are Infant Urine, Cocaine, Garlic, Cigarettes, Herbal Remedies, or Pneumonia Vaccine Helpful Against Coronavirus?

No, there is no official medicine against coronavirus, and self-medicating can be counterproductive for your health.

Can I Get it From My Orders Shipped From China?

No, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), it is doubtful that a person will contaminate commercial products; furthermore, the virus that causes the disease does not survive long in packets.

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