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Arterial Hypertension: Prognosis of The Disease

Arterial Hypertension

Arterial Hypertension: Prognosis of The Disease: According to the World Health Organization, Arterial hypertension increases blood pressure either temporarily, intermittently or permanently, consistently above-average values that range between 160 / 95mmH.

We know as arterial pressure the pressure that the heart exerts on the arteries, pumping the blood to the body’s different organs. With hypertension, more excellent resistance exerted on the heart, which must respond by increasing its muscle mass and can cause arrhythmias, heart failure, or angina pectoris.

Prognosis of The Disease

One of the processes that usually causes Arterial hypertension is arteriosclerosis, or accumulation of cholesterol in the arteries and thrombosis, causing aneurysms. Thus, it must control hypertension since it can lead to severe diseases and life-threatening diseases like heart attack,  stroke, kidney failure, and even vision disturbances.

Due to its high morbidity, hypertension considered a severe risk factor and one of the developed countries’ main public health problems.

Symptoms of High Blood Pressure

Clinically, hypertension may not give symptoms or, on the contrary, manifest itself in the form of severe headaches, facial congestion, nausea, vomiting, and blurred vision. This series of symptoms usually occurs with sudden surges in blood pressure.

In most cases, the problem detected by measuring the patient’s tension in routine checkups or periodic medical checkups, leading the specialist to start monitoring the patient’s anxiety.

Medical Tests for High Blood Pressure

Generally, the diagnosis of hypertension only requires blood pressure measurement, which performed on an outpatient basis with a blood pressure monitor. The blood pressure monitor reveals the blood pressure levels when taking it quickly and painlessly. The patient can be monitored in the specialist’s office or even in a pharmacy.

In cases of very uncontrolled hypertension or suffering from very unbalanced highs and lows, a pressure Holter may require to continuously measure the tension during the patient’s typical workday.

What are The Causes of High Blood Pressure?

Many factors influence hypertension:

  • Daily habits: Many factors that cause hypertension have to do with healthy life, diet, and exercise. Thus, obesity, having diabetes, drinking excess alcohol, smoking, or being frequently stressed or anxious directly affects blood pressure levels.
  • Family history of high blood pressure
  • Reaction to certain medications, such as kidney diseases, adrenal gland disorders, or birth control pills, among others.
  • Some patients do not have any cause for hypertension; in these cases in these cases

Can it Be Prevented?

The best prevention for hypertension is to take care of daily habits to avoid its appearance. It is therefore essential to carry out a healthy life:

  • Give up smoking.
  • Avoid excessive alcohol consumption.
  • Perform physical exercise: moderate physical activity helps avoid overweight, obesity, and cholesterol, directly influencing blood pressure.
  • Eat a balanced, heart-healthy diet, which includes being low in salt and rich in fruits and vegetables. It recommended avoiding frozen and precooked dishes that generally contain a lot of sodium and preservatives, opt for vegetable oils such as olive oil, and eat fish between 3 and 4 times a week.
  • Avoid stress and anxiety.
  • Learn as much as you can. There are places online where you can get your ACLS certification and be more prepared for any emergencies you may encounter

Treatments for Hypertension

The patient with hypertension will receive a pharmacological treatment focused on controlling their blood pressure levels and avoiding significant increases. We will also carry out a tension control plan to check the improvement and the effect of the treatment.

The patient should also adopt healthy habits to reduce the risk factors for hypertension, improve their health and prevent possible associated diseases.

What Specialist Treats it?

Although it is the Family Doctor who detects irregularities in the tension levels in the periodic check-ups, it will be the cardiologist who will carry out the process of diagnosis and monitoring of the patient. Thus, patients with blood pressure problems should go to the Cardiology office to find the cause as soon as possible and start the necessary treatment.